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Inner Child Workshop
Duration: 1-2 h each
​Format: Individual or group.
Bring comfortable clothes and socks, yoga mat, pillow and a blanket.
Inner Child is a traditional psychology construct defining that part of ourselves who is strictly connected with our childhood, and who keeps the key to our assertiveness, creativity and freedom of feeling ourselves without the society pressure.
This special cycle of workshops is made of 4 different levels. Two are the levels that are needed to be achieved to create an healthy connection to our inner child, while the other two are optionals to the first level.
Every workshop will teach a special meditation technique to get in contact with your inner child.
Level 1: Awake your inner child
First level connection with your inner source. Awake him, let him know you're here, and free him from his fears.
Level 1A: Communicate with your inner child
Different minds, rational and emotional, sometimes need a new language to get to know each other.
Level 1B: Join creative forces with your inner child
Creativity is endless if you can connect with your inner child. But to do that, both of you have to gain something.
Level 2: Make an alliance with your inner child
Interactionism psychology tells us we're never alone. Our inner child is part of ourselves, but also has a different perspective on things. You have to find a balance to make this new realtionship to yourself successfull and fulfilling.
No requirement needed to attend the workshop.
For more details see Group Activities.