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My Way
I began with a Bachelor Degree in Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience, and from here I took US Neurolinguistic Programmation, I looked at China for it's Chinese Traditional Medicine, at Japan for Reiki and its evolutions with Regressive Therapy, at India for Ayurvedic culture and Phitotherapy, at Indian American Natives for Core Shamanism brought to occidental culture in a anthropologic perspective, and at physioterapist world through the Professional Chiropractic Massage Therapy.
As HR Consultant I worked in different job agency and in the Research Center and Behavioural Studies of Milan and Switzerland University, where I learnt how to work a middle and top management level in selection, formation projects, assessment center, team building days and coaching.
As Luca I practiced a lot of sports, from martial arts, to sailing, from basket to diving. I practice yoga, use meditation not only to find balance, but to develop new formation and assessment techniques, sport canalization, and energetical balance.
Therapy isn't just a process, is a way of living free.
Cooking, the sea waves and my shamanic drum are the balance I need to discharge stress and are my favourite source of inspiration.
I worked through every therapy I use as a life coach to experience it's efficacy and try the best synergy with others. My formation path will never end, and I will keep learning how to create the best experience of change for your life or your business in a holistic way: psychological, physical and spiritual at the same time.
Health is not just a therapeutic work aimed to reduce symptoms, it's a dynamic system where symptoms are indications of the way we have to take to increase our physical, psychological and spiritual wellness. And that means for companies too.
Prevention is the real answer to health, and it's the best way to keep us healthy and increase our chances in case of illness.
My Training and Formation
- Bachelor in Clinical Psychology at Università San Raffaele in Milan
- Psychology Degree in Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience at Università degli Studi di Padova
- Energy Psichology Master at Itiee in Madrid ​
- Chiropractic Massage Therapy and funcional bendage at Kirosur in Madrid
- Transcultural (Core) Shamanism at Estudios Chamanicos in Barcelona
- Reiki Usui Master
- Reiki Unificado Master
- Regressive Therapy Training
- Chromotherapy Training at Itiee in Madrid ​
- Crystal healing Training at Itiee in Madrid ​
- HR Consulting
After working with adolescence problems, eating disorders, family and couple therapy, after collaborating with two university research projects in psychology, and experienced for two years HR projects in top management with banks, multinationals etc... I opened my first clinic as psychologist in Italy. Then I moved to Madrid where I opened another one, working with different projects as holistic therapist, and finally in Ibiza where I'm still working as life coach and therapist in Ayurvida and as sport psychologist and HR in Fisioquiros Ibiza.
My work as psychologist is systemic, and as holistic therapist is transpersonal. This means that in my way of promoting health and wellness I work on different aspects of the person's life: psychological, physical, social, spiritual etc...
As a serious professional in health and wellness I believe my work is completed by other professionals, specialized in different aspects of health and life, and I created a therapeutic net to support my work as psychologist and life coach.
I feel I can describe myself, with a little humor, as a modern "scientimagician". Magic is the force of motivation driving us as children, and science is the rational explanation that gives us the strength of "reality check".
Psychomagic is one of the most striking way to use the motivational power of our inner child to create real, powerful and quick changes in our life by respecting and loving exactly the way we are.
As a life coach, through the metaphore of adventure, I will change "therapy", this powerful illness/health oriented word, into "training", a word that gives you the chance of being you the origin of your healing.